What features of your skin are bothering you? If it’s an uneven tone or texture, age spots, birthmarks, or spider veins, a photofacial with intense pulsed light (IPL) could be what you need. This innovative treatment is available from Kelly DiStefano, MD, Kenneth Distefano, and the team at the Montclair Rejuvenation Center in Verona and West Caldwell, New Jersey. Find out if a photofacial is right for you by calling the office or scheduling an appointment.

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What is a photofacial?

Aging doesn’t just create wrinkles; it also comes with changes to your complexion, including age spots, sun spots, spider veins, and more. Fortunately, photofacials are available to clear your skin of these changes, helping you look your best and most youthful.

Or maybe age isn’t your issue. If you have a skin feature you’ve disliked all your life, photofacials are a groundbreaking way to minimize its appearance without a single incision or injection.

At Montclair Rejuvenation Center, the team uses the Venus® Versa™ intense pulsed light (IPL) feature to deliver photofacials, reducing the visibility of:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Age spots/sun spots
  • Spider veins
  • Port wine stains
  • Red birthmarks (hemangiomas)
  • Melasma

In short, if something is breaking up the evenness of your complexion, your Montclair Rejuvenation Center provider can use a photofacial to help clear it from your skin.

How does a photofacial work?

During a photofacial, your Montclair Rejuvenation Center provider uses the Venus Versa device to direct IPL into your skin. As it works, the Venus Versa emits several wavelengths of light into the layers of your skin, targeting the dermis.

The more pigmented parts of your skin and any veins near the surface of your skin absorb this light, heating them to the point that it destroys the pigment or veins. As the Venus Versa delivers IPL, its cooling system works to keep the surface of your skin protected and comfortable.

After treatment, your body starts processing out the destroyed cells. You may notice a coffee ground-like substance appearing on the surface of your skin over the coming weeks as your body gets rid of any treated pigment.

Will I need more than one photofacial?

It depends on your unique skin and the cosmetic issue you want to treat. Talk with your Montclair Rejuvenation Center skin specialist about your aesthetic goals. They can help you decide if a photofacial is right for you, and if you would benefit from multiple treatments.

Because a photofacial is a completely noninvasive way to deliver clearer, more even skin, Montclair Rejuvenation Center uses it for a wide variety of patients. To find out if you’re a candidate for this treatment, call the office or book your appointment online today.