Problems with your sex life that are related to your body’s natural changes can stifle your confidence and deter you from seeking treatment. At Montclair Rejuvenation Center in Verona or West Caldwell, New Jersey, Kelly DiStefano, MD, Kenneth Distefano, and the team offer vaginal revitalization treatments with FemiLift™, a noninvasive laser treatment that improves the functioning of your feminine area. To learn more about FemiLift and consult with a provider about the treatment, book an appointment by phone at Montclair Rejuvenation Center today.

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What is FemiLift?

FemiLift is a CO2 laser device that fits comfortably inside your vagina. Once in place, the laser targets the tissues within your vagina at one-centimeter increments. The laser heats your tissues, causing them to tighten and contract.

Just like with laser skin rejuvenation treatments, and other laser procedures, the heat from the laser causes your tissues to tighten with new elastin fibers and become firmer with collagen growth.

After the procedure, you may see a notable improvement in many of the bodily changes that come after pregnancy or because of menopause. The treatment helps rebuild the tissues and muscles in your pelvic region and can help restore your confidence.

What does FemiLift treat?

FemiLift specializes in treating many of the sexual health symptoms of menopause and the changes that happen to your body during childbirth. The region becomes weaker and looser, and you may lose some of your muscle control.

At Montclair Rejuvenation Center, the team uses FemiLift to treat:

  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Vaginal looseness
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Itchiness
  • Pain during sex

These problems can affect your sex life, your social life, and your self-image. It may feel difficult to bring your sexual issues to attention, but the team at Montclair Rejuvenation Center provides consultations and treatment without judgment.

How many FemiLift treatments do I need?

To achieve the best possible result with FemiLift, you need multiple treatment sessions. Montclair Rejuvenation Center typically recommends taking part in three FemiLift treatment sessions with 30 days of healing in-between each. That means you can complete the treatment process in three months.

Why should I choose FemiLift for vaginal revitalization?

FemiLift offers several benefits that hormonal vaginal revitalization treatments can’t offer. Because the treatment doesn’t introduce more hormones into your body, you won’t experience adverse side effects like nausea or mood swings.

While vaginal revitalization surgery is available, FemiLift has the advantage of being a non-surgical and noninvasive option. That means you won’t need to take time out of your life to rest or recover, and you can return to your daily routine immediately.

To reserve your consultation for FemiLift, call Montclair Rejuvenation Center, or book an appointment online today.