Brighter, more youthful skin is possible without invasive or abrasive treatments. Whether your skin is resistant or sensitive, Kelly DiStefano, MD, Kenneth Distefano, and the team at Montclair Rejuvenation Center in Verona or West Caldwell, New Jersey, can improve your skin’s tone and texture with HydraFacial MD® and available boosters. To learn more about HydraFacial MD’s innovative technology, and the boosters you can add to your treatment, call or book an appointment today.

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What is HydraFacial MD?

HydraFacial MD is a treatment system that clears your pores and deeply hydrates your skin. During the 30-minute treatment, your provider uses the HydraFacial MD handpiece to perform three steps toward making your skin look better than before. The steps are:

Cleansing and peeling

During this step, your provider exfoliates your skin. Exfoliation removes the top layer of cells to reveal a fresh, glowing new surface.

Extraction and hydration

After the first step of the process loosens debris in your pores, the HydraFacial MD device uses a vacuum suctioning effect to extract it. During this step, the device also infuses your skin with strong moisturizers.

Fusion and protection

In the final step, the device delivers antioxidants and peptides to your skin for a boost in illumination.

What are the benefits of HydraFacial MD?

HydraFacial MD provides your skin with many benefits. Its unique vacuuming and infusion technology allows you to achieve dramatically smoother and clearer skin than you can get with home cleansing and moisturizing. Some specific results of HydraFacial MD are:

  • Tighter skin
  • Fewer fine lines
  • Fewer dark spots
  • Smaller pores
  • Smoother texture
  • Less oil

HydraFacial MD is gentle enough to improve skin of any type. At Montclair Rejuvenation Center, the team can help you customize your treatment with boosts.

What boosters can I add to HydraFacial MD?

The team at Montclair Rejuvenation Center helps you decide if a booster is right for your treatment. Your HydraFacial MD boost options include:

Radiance HydraFacial

The radiance HydraFacial includes a Britenol™ boost to help correct sun damage and age spots.

Age Refinement HydraFacial

If you have lots of fine lines and other textural issues with your skin, the team may recommend adding a DermaBuilder™ boost to make it an age refinement HydraFacial.

Restorative HydraFacial

HydraFacial CTGF™ is an available boost for your treatment that helps your skin become stronger and healthier. It works well to target wrinkles and fine lines.

Clarifying HydraFacial

The clarifying HydraFacial is specifically designed to remove congestion from your skin with extended extractions and blue light therapy.

To explore your HydraFacial MD options and let your skin shine, call Montclair Rejuvenation Center or book an appointment online today.