Going to the gym and eating a balanced diet can only do so much for your body shape. You can’t spot-reduce pockets of fat, and many of them won’t go away no matter how hard you work for the perfect figure. At Montclair Rejuvenation Center in Verona or West Caldwell, New Jersey, the team offers CoolSculpting® treatments at the best price in the region to freeze away your unwanted, hard-to-lose fat cells. To book your consultation for CoolSculpting, call today.
Book OnlineWhat is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is a noninvasive fat reduction treatment available at Montclair Rejuvenation Center to patients who want to refine their figure.
Although the treatment can’t significantly reduce your size or substitute for a weight loss plan, it can spot-reduce areas that accumulate fat and hold it even after you lose weight naturally.
The CoolSculpting device works by emitting a controlled cooling effect that reaches the deeper layers of your skin and subdermal fat. Fat cells are susceptible to cold temperatures, which can damage and kill them.
This fat-freezing process is called cryolipolysis and can result in a 20-25% reduction in the size of the area you choose to target.
Over the course of 2-4 months after your CoolSculpting session, your body naturally absorbs and eliminates the dead fat cells, and you see a permanent reshaping of your silhouette. Your dead fat cells can no longer hold fat, but others can expand if you gain a significant amount of weight.
What is CoolSculpting dual sculpting?
At Montclair Rejuvenation Center, the team uses dual sculpting with CoolSculpting to target and reduce larger areas of fat at one time.
Instead of a single treatment device targeting one area of fat, dual sculpting uses two CoolSculpting devices at the same time to cover a single larger area of fat or two areas at once, cutting your treatment time in half.
What parts of my body can I target with CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting lets you target nearly any area of fat on your body that resists diet, exercise, or other weight loss efforts.
Your body fat distribution is unique to you, so your provider at Montclair Rejuvenation Center can help you select which areas you’d like to target for the most appealing results. People often target fat in the following regions with CoolSculpting.
- Upper arms
- Abdomen
- Hips
- Thighs
- Buttocks
- Chin and jaw
- Breasts
- Back
Before you start CoolSculpting, you attend a one-on-one consultation at Montclair Rejuvenation Center. Your provider can help you decide if CoolSculpting is the right choice and guide you to other suitable treatments if you’re not a candidate, such as nutritional counseling.
To explore the possibilities of a more fine-tuned figure with CoolSculpting, call Montclair Rejuvenation Center to reserve your consultation or book online today.
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