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Men Love Laser Hair Removal, Too

Women aren’t the only ones who struggle with unwanted hair. Whether on the back or chest, men also search for ways to remove, or at least trim, unwanted hair from these areas.

Dedicated to meeting everyone’s aesthetic goals and needs, our specialists at Montclair Rejuvenation Center in Verona, New Jersey, offer laser hair removal for men looking for a permanent solution for their unwanted hair. Like women, men love the results, too. 

Permanent solution for unwanted hair

At Montclair Rejuvenation Center, we use the innovative Venus Versa™ for our laser hair removal treatments. This advanced laser tool uses targeted intense-pulsed light (IPL) laser energy to destroy your hair follicle and prevent further hair growth. We use the laser hair removal system to treat many areas of the body where you may find unwanted hair growth, including:

Men love our laser hair removal system because it causes little discomfort and requires no more than an hour of time, and usually less. However, because hair grows in cycles, you need a series of laser hair removal treatments to get the best results. We usually find most patients benefit from 4-6 treatments set at 4-8 week intervals.  

Thinning and grooming 

Though our laser hair removal system can give you smooth hair-free skin, if you’re like a lot of men, you may only want to trim or groom your unwanted hair. With our laser hair removal system, we can adjust your treatment to match your needs.

In addition to getting rid of any unwanted hair from your back, we also use laser hair removal to get rid of your unibrow, thin and groom your eyebrows, and reduce the thickness of your chest or arm hair. 

Solution for razor burn or ingrown hair

For some men, shaving is an unpleasant experience that leaves the skin tender, red, and itchy. If you dislike shaving because of the razor burn that follows, then you may want to consider laser hair removal so you no longer have to shave and experience the unpleasant after-effects. 

Ingrown hair is also a side effect of many common hair removal techniques, including shaving, tweezing, and waxing. Black men are especially prone to ingrown hair on their face after shaving, according to the Mayo Clinic. With laser hair removal, we can get rid of the hair that grows into your skin to alleviate the pain, inflammation, and papules that often develop, and improve the look of your skin. 

From permanent hair removal to grooming, men love laser hair removal, too. To schedule a consultation to see how we can help you meet your aesthetic goals, contact us by phone or online today.

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